There has been an evident movement towards well being in the workplace, the idea of creating better working environments that are more productive and meaningful.
The human relations movement, started in the 1930’s, initiated the study of human behaviour in workplace groups. This encouraged the understanding of how stimuli and working conditions can produce more productive workers. There was now a new awareness of how workplace environments affect employee wellness, and in turn productivity.
- The Ageless Workplace
The ageless workplace is about enhancing the longevity of workers, enabling them to embrace lifelong skills and ensuring they have the mental and physical energy to work for as long as they want to.
I can’t tell you how many people I know personally that have retired and a few months later go back to work because they are bored and still capable. Older employees are seen just as capable as younger. Ever seen The Intern with Robert De Niro and Anne Hathaway?
Employers are expected to be able to take better care of their employees so they can age gracefully and continue to make positive contributions to the workforce. Many large corporations incorporate a gym within the workspace and some even offer quiet spaces for meditation, all in an effort to help support their teams.
- The Mindful Workplace
People are connected around the world through the Internet, wonderful as that may be, this technology has also enabled workers to be constantly connected through their personal devices.Having fast and easy access to information has developed a new set of expectations.Employees feel more overwhelmed in the workplace these days due to constantly being connected. Employers have started to realize the importance of mental well-being for their employees and the need for regular breaks in a calming environment to help clear their mind, reduce stress and increase productivity.
The focus from physical health has now widened to include psychological health, allowing the workplace to become mindful to the overall health of its employees. The most important change is the importance of flexibility in the workplace, such as working from home.
- The Intuitive Workplace
New advancements in technology have allowed the workplace to evolve and become more intuitive and interesting.
The workplace is starting to recognize the importance of monitoring its worker’s environment, wants and needs in order to create an intelligent and responsive space. One future concept is the workplace that is mood-responsive, where habits can be tracked. Exciting or scary to you?
- The Collaborative Workplace
Workplaces have shifted into environments that support group interaction and the valuing of others’ perspectives and unique skills. As a result, open working environments have become more common allowing for open discussions, workshops and brainstorming.
Collaborative and flexible workplaces can boost creativity and enhance innovation, resulting in more enthusiasm, devotion and motivation.
By embracing many of the future trends that will be taking place in the workplace, you can ensure higher levels of happiness and satisfaction from your entire team.