You’re discussing pollution with your colleagues, and the first topic that’s thrown into the discussion – air pollution. But nobody talks about the elephant in the room because, somewhere along the way, we have simply accepted it as a part of our lifestyle. We’re talking about air quality, and surprisingly that’s something which you can actually improve, should you wish to do so.
The air inside your home is equally, if not more, harmful than that outside. In fact, according to some studies, indoor air pollution readings can be worse. As per the World Health Organization, poor indoor environmental quality killed 4.3 million individuals globally in 2012. The figures for indoor air pollution in India are equally alarming. According to a study, the indoor levels of PM2.5 in Delhi were found to be significantly higher than those measured on the nearest outdoor official monitors. So, the question arises, how do you improve indoor air quality? Well, we have got you covered. In this article, we’ll discuss DIY indoor air quality monitoring as well as professional indoor air quality solutions.
Ventilation is the Key
Here is a no-brainer – open those windows. Keeping the air in your living space circulating is a simple and perhaps no-cost technique to improve air quality. When using chemical-based cleaning or painting products, make sure the room is adequately ventilated. This is one of the simplest ways for the prevention of air pollution within homes.

Indoor Plants to the Rescue
Investing in a few indoor plants can help enhance your home’s indoor environment while also contributing to the aesthetic. The ideal options for removing pollutants from the air are small air purifying plants. But, here’s the catch, you have to be careful with plants as they could also be a start for certain issues such as allergies, breathing problems and more.
Change AC Filters
Air conditioning systems are constantly functioning to maintain the ideal temperature in your residence throughout the season. However, when they circulate that air in your indoor environment, they filter out a few of the typical contaminants. Their air filters gradually clog and stop working. Not only does this affect your indoor environmental quality, but it also hampers your air conditioning system, resulting in pricey repairs in the near future. So, get someone to clean and change your AC filters frequently.
Remove Dust & Dampness
As obvious as it may sound, people really do neglect it. And it ultimately becomes one of the sources of indoor air pollution. Moreover, indoor moisture and dirt can cause a variety of health issues, including mold growth. Rugs and carpets work as air filters in and of themselves, collecting dust and debris in their countless fibers. Cleaning your carpets and rugs on a recurrent basis will ensure that they continue to work for you, benefiting the quality of the air by merely being there. Now, for dampness, turn on a fan or open a window when you cook and locate and eliminate areas of pooled water or moisture in your home.
Invest on Air Security
What is Air security? Allergen and dust particles can be quite minuscule. Cleaning anything you can’t see is nearly impossible, making indoor air quality monitoring quite tiresome. So, here’s the last but a sure-fire method to improve your indoor air quality. Get your home an air purifier or air security system. Remember, air security devices offer a multifarious approach to enhancing the indoor environment.