January 21 – February 19 Image Source Aquarius The Water Bearer Aquarius is an Air Sign Best Colours for Aquarius: Amethyst, electric blue, turquoise, white Light blue and electric shades are best for Aquarians. As the scientists of the zodiac, Aquarians may have the newest or most interesting technologies and the most outrageous designs. Any colour… [Read More]
How Do Our Creations Change Us? What is Ontological Design?
“We design our world, while our world acts back on us and designs us” –Anne-Marie Willis These videos by Jason Silva discuss Ontological design and how our creations change us. He freestyles his way into the complex systems of designing, society, technology and human existence and discusses the truth and beauty of science and design…. [Read More]
Bring Marsala Home for the Holidays – 2015 Colour of the Year
Holiday Greetings to our Dear Friends, Much like the fortified wine that gives Marsala its name, this tasteful hue embodies the satisfying richness of a fulfilling holiday meal. Dramatic and at the same time grounding, the rich and full-bodied red-brown Marsala brings colour and warmth into home interiors. Interested in improving your living or workspace… [Read More]
Noncomformity and the Creative Life
There’s a constant struggle between conforming to society and breaking through creatively. We at Ambience Design Group strive for the creative life!
Eye Opening Video “Look Up”
What kind of lifestyle do you want to create?
The Pursuit of The Art of Living
Living can be viewed as an art form, to be studied and played with and practiced and mastered. Of course, few ever master the art of living although many may pursue it. It seems that nowadays people live to simply get by. Could it be that if one learned a bit about habits, mindfulness, simplicity… [Read More]
How to Simplify Your Life
Inspired by Leo Babauta of zenhabits.net How to Simplify Your Life Simplify everything. That might sound hard, but with practice it’s actually fairly easy, and leads to a quiet, content, lovely life full of space, with only the things in it that matter to you. Disconnect from the online world. The Internet can be great,… [Read More]
The Habits of Highly Creative People
In a word: solitude. Creativity often flourishes in solitude. With quiet, you can hear your thoughts, you can reach deep within yourself, you can focus. The best art is created in solitude, for good reason: it’s only when we are alone that we can reach into ourselves and find truth, beauty, soul. Some of the… [Read More]