The 2021 colors of the year convey a message of strength and hopefulness that is both enduring and uplifting, especially after the year we just had. ABOUT PANTONE COLOR OF THE YEAR For over 20 years, Pantone’s Color of the Year has influenced product development and purchasing decisions in multiple industries, including fashion, home furnishings,… [Read More]
Time to Call a Plumber: 5 Signs the Sewer Drain Is Clogged
Many people will agree, plumbing problems are no fun to deal with. However, they are a fact of life and it is important to know how to handle this type of situation when it occurs. Never assume that a plumbing problem is going to go away on its own. Unfortunately, the problem is only going… [Read More]
Small-Space Living: 7 Great Advantages of Living in a Studio Apartment
Sometimes less can definitely be more, and this is certainly the case when it comes to small-space living. If you are thinking about downsizing to a studio apartment, here is how making the move can pay off in more than one way. It’s more wallet-friendly Less square footage to rent or buy means less money… [Read More]
Minimize the Effects of Climate Change at Home
NASA defines global warming as a rapid increase in Earth’s average surface temperature in the past century as a result of greenhouse gas emissions and the burning of fossil fuels. Due to the fundamental aspects of what the majority of experts agree is human-caused climate change, we must look at how we can prevent it from… [Read More]
5 Family Scrapbook Ideas to Preserve Your Family History
Preserving family history is important, particularly if you have spent a long time delving into a family tree and collecting past artifacts. You want to be able to cherish your moments forever and your history deserves to be preserved somewhere special. Doing this is not just a case of keeping everything in a book. You… [Read More]
12 Must-Have Kitchen Tools
Kitchens come in a wide variety of shapes, sizes and designs. Even in a luxury kitchen, it’s the right tools that prevent meal prep nightmares. Having the right gadgets in your cupboard is the first step to making your cooking easier. Innovation in the kitchen enables you to access a wide variety of new and… [Read More]
How to Build Your Awesome Dream House—With Your Kids in Mind
Everyone dreams about owning the perfect home. You can always buy an already built house, but chances are, you will have to look long and hard to find exactly what you envisioned. And even when you find it, its location might be a deal-breaker. This is why many families today build a custom home, tailored… [Read More]
5 Interesting Ways to Decorate Your Home for a Smooth Indoor-Outdoor Flow
Many of us look at our indoor and outdoor spaces as two distinct areas, with our interiors being the safe and cozy environment we can warm up in during those cold months. However, once the weather warms up, many of us start thinking of ways to connect the two otherwise separate entities. Not only does… [Read More]
How To Create A Home Office On A Budget – 62 Expert Tips
With Covid-19 still upon us, many will continue to work from home, so having a home office has become a necessity. With business meetings being conducted through video calls, having a space that looks presentable has also become important as of late. To help you handle this project yourself, Minuca Elena reached out to 62… [Read More]
5 Amazing Eco-Friendly Upgrades That Will Make Your Home More Modern and Sustainable
Our homes are our sanctuaries that reflect our personalities, preferences, and values. As such, they ought to be designed in a way that is in line with what we stand for. With global eco-consciousness on the rise, more residents are making some green changes around their homes as a way of creating spaces that support… [Read More]