No matter how well designed your home or workplace is, you could be damaging your health. In order to prevent such health concerns from arising, you need to achieve air with three characteristics: it should be clean, fresh and at the right humidity level. If you can achieve this, then you’ll feel happier and more… [Read More]
Outdoor Furniture Essentials To Bring Home This Spring
With Spring comes the joy of outdoor living, soaking in the buttery sun and the cool breeze while listening to birds chirp on emerald branches. Sounds quite like a dream or an Oscar Wilde poem at its best. Spring brings forth the need to soak in nature at its best and this calls for great… [Read More]
3 Ways to Save Energy and Be More Sustainable at Home
An increasingly popular theme for homeowners and renters in 2018 is to minimize both environmental and financial outlay by using more sustainable technology in their home. Environmental health is a widespread topic that many support, but many homeowners and renters may not know exactly where to start. There are plenty of resources that are already… [Read More]
What Could Be Harming Your Health At Work
Ever wondered how much of an impact design has on health? A good quality space and furniture design is vital to provide the necessary ventilation required to keep indoor air pollution to a minimum, especially in busy workplaces. Indoor air pollution has been ranked as one of the top environmental hazards faced by the general… [Read More]
4 Ways to Create a Healthier Workplace for Your Employees
Healthy employees are happier, more productive and likely to stay on the job longer. We certainly believe that designing a healthier workplace can benefit all. Ambience Design Group shares their best tips with Business News Daily. Sammi Caramela captures it well in her article “4 Ways to Create a Healthier Workplace for Your Employees“. Here’s… [Read More]
Childhood Asthma – Could Your Home Be Responsible?
Indoor pollutants can impact the health of everyone in your home but children are more vulnerable when exposed over a period of time. Asthma is a chronic disease of the lungs, which according to a study published by the Asthma Society of Canada in 2014 affects approximately 3 million Canadians with 600,000 children under the… [Read More]
A Cozy Home For The Elderly
We all have family and friends that come to visit or stay over the holidays. The ambiance of your home makes it feel warm and well-looked after. Comfortable furnishings and beautiful, soft decor all add to loving nature of your home and if you have elderly visitors coming to stay, well-thought-out planning and preparation can… [Read More]
Creating a Healthy Home with Josie and Sara
A lot of people strive to be healthier. While food, exercise, and drinking enough water typically hog the spotlight, we often forget about one underrated, yet important factor: our space. The design of our homes can have a big impact on our general wellness and happiness levels. This month, we’ve had the pleasure of being… [Read More]
Create Positive Vibes in the Workplace
Ever wanted to peek inside your boss’ mind to discover what really gets on their nerves and what you can do to impress them? In a recent business survey commissioned by UK online printer instantprint, 500 senior operatives were asked a range of questions to discover what traits they love and loathe in their employees. Interestingly, being a… [Read More]
Could Your Bedroom Decor Be Sabotaging Your Sleep?
When we think about getting a good night’s sleep there are lot of steps you can take, like having a relaxing bedtime routine and slumbering and waking at the same time every day. However, have you ever considered whether the design of your bedroom could be affecting your quality of sleep? Stephanie Hallett from HuffPost… [Read More]