NASA defines global warming as a rapid increase in Earth’s average surface temperature in the past century as a result of greenhouse gas emissions and the burning of fossil fuels. Due to the fundamental aspects of what the majority of experts agree is human-caused climate change, we must look at how we can prevent it from… [Read More]
Your Quick Guide to Creating an Accessible Bathroom
For most people, bathrooms are easy to use, however for people with special needs, regular bathrooms are not as functional as they need to be. Adapting yours or building another bathroom to fit the needs of a family member with a disability is going to make their lives a whole lot easier. Read on for… [Read More]
5 Amazing Eco-Friendly Upgrades That Will Make Your Home More Modern and Sustainable
Our homes are our sanctuaries that reflect our personalities, preferences, and values. As such, they ought to be designed in a way that is in line with what we stand for. With global eco-consciousness on the rise, more residents are making some green changes around their homes as a way of creating spaces that support… [Read More]
How to Identify Quality Office Furniture
Let’s face it: We all have times when we have to spend a lot of time sitting for work. That means your desk, your office chair, and all of your office furniture need to be both comfortable and functional. Many people assume that if you’re going to have good furniture, it’s going to cost an… [Read More]
Happiness in Place – How does the design of spaces impact happiness?
As human beings we strive for the goal of ‘Happiness’ or ‘well-being’. Happy people seem to achieve more in their lives, tend to be more social, altruistic, and active, and they seem to like themselves and others more. Happiness also seems to promote people’s capacity for constructive and creative thinking. The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon… [Read More]
Bringing the Sea indoors with Interior Design
Famous American designer, Paul Rand once said: “Everything is design, everything!” And he wasn’t wrong. From the clothes we wear to the food we eat, and even the nature around us happen to be designed. That includes the ocean, one of the Earth’s most mysterious formations. The ocean has been a source of inspiration for… [Read More]
How Feng Shui Can Revitalize Your Home
Your home is a sacred space for family gatherings, relaxation and entertaining guests, as such it can be both lively and harmonious. Feng Shui is related to personal wealth and health, as well as the peace and happiness of the whole family. Here are some tips on how to make your home a place that… [Read More]
Why You Should Consider Investing In An Energy Efficient Home
Energy efficient homes are becoming an increasingly more common topic as we’re gradually becoming more aware of the impact we have on the world. The main idea behind such homes is to reduce needless energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and demands for nonrenewable resources. Additionally, energy-efficient houses provide its occupants with healthier living conditions and… [Read More]
Brighten Up Your Office With Mirrors To Improve Productivity
Offices with windows are known to produce workers who exercise more, sleep more and have a greater sense of overall wellbeing, compared to those with no windows in their office. Studies have also found that natural lighting can directly and indirectly affect your mood, hormones and behaviour. One of the best ways to boost natural lighting… [Read More]
Design a Better Sleep with Technology
It’s quite easy to see the tech as the big enemy getting in the way of our good night’s sleep. But the truth is, just like any other sphere of our lives where tech makes significant improvements, it can actually help us to have a better sleep. Here are the top three ways technology is… [Read More]