Holistic design is an approach to design that aspires to create spaces that will improve the quality of the environment and the lives of those who use the space. Holistic design may include things such as the protection of the earth’s resources, as well as an element of spirituality.
Holistic concepts may be practical to things such as architecture, the layout of spaces, design of mechanical devices, and much more. Holistic designers always take into consideration how their designs will impact the environment and are always trying to reduce negative environmental impact.
Holistic homes are designed to create a relaxed and serene space for living. The home is supposed to give back all the pieces of you that the world has taken away over the course of your busy day. Holistic design enables a home to be a source of peace and empowerment. A holistic home is what makes the environment whole as it takes into consideration all good principals of traditional home design.
A holistic home is appealing to our five senses, creating both physical and emotional comfort. Creating positive energy throughout the home is often effective by applying Feng Shui. Both the look and feel of the home are equally important in holistic design.
Sustainability in a home is crucial to holistic design. By making a home sustainable and incorporating sustainable products, the overall efficiency and environmental friendliness are improved. Small changes within a home have the ability to make big improvements.
Want to learn more about the benefits of designing a more sustainable space to live? Get our Sustainable Design Guide.
For more information and tips on how to make the switch to a healthier and holistic lifestyle, check out our Home Wellness Kit for Health Enthusiasts.
Ready to create that ideal space to improve living for you and your loved ones? Look no further than our Ambience Express room design packages.