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Our mission is to create spaces that enhance not only beauty, but well-being.
At Ambience Design Group, we believe in designing spaces that support and rejuvenate you. Most design firms focus on the look of a space but we focus on the health of the space too. Design is no longer just about beauty, its about ensuring your space is helping you live your best life possible.
Ambience Living Spaces is a unique solution that is effective at looking at design from all angles with the ultimate goal being the ability to improve living. Our design solutions offer a unique blend of sustainability, wellness, accessibility in custom spaces that support your unique lifestyle. It’s a way of designing that is in harmony with nature and has been inspired by biophilic design principles.
Biophilic design seeks to re-establish positive connections between people and nature in the built environment… We regard biophilia (which literally means “love of life”) as key to creating places imbued with positive emotional experiences.” (Kellert, 2008)
“Biophilic design can have a positive impact by reducing stress, improving emotional well being and alleviating pain.” (Ulrich, 2000)
“Josie Abate is an expert on biophilic design, the design of functional, inspirational spaces that connect people with nature.” – Tracy Hanes
Designing spaces that inspire, energize and support the people who use them is so important. That’s why we believe in supporting the meaningful practice of biophilic design.
“When you have a view of greenery and trees, it really affects mood. Studies have proven people are happier when they connect with nature.” – Josie Abate
Featured in “It’s What’s Inside That Counts”, an article in Ontario Home Builder Magazine, founder of Ambience, Josie Abate, explains how humans thrive in nature and designers and architects are trying to find ways to bring nature inside.

It’s clear that we crave more nature in our lives. We want the benefits that being in nature can give us, including a healthier body and mind. We are seeing more plants and greenery in homes, hotels, restaurants, offices and public spaces than ever before and we believe that this is not a trend, but a lasting and necessary change for the better.
The evidence is overwhelming that, when given a choice, people wish to bring the beauty and harmony of nature within sight.” (Wilson, 1984)

We spend 90% of our time indoors, that is why we must optimize our environments for health, productivity, happiness and well-being. It is our duty as designers to ensure that the environments we create are optimal for high-performing, happy and healthy people.
Could the toxins in your home or office be making you sick? Indoor pollutants are known to trigger asthma, nausea and allergies. By using proper ventilation and selecting materials that are more natural, you could breathe a whole lot easier where you live and work.
We will instinctively react negatively to a built environment that is non-nourishing or actually causes us physical anxiety and distress. It is very easy to understand the type of environment that is healthy for us – we only need to pay attention to the signals from our own body.” – (Wilson, 1984)
More and more people are recognizing the importance of wellness in the home and workplace. Are you one of them? If so, you’re on the leading edge of what we like to call “the healthy spaces movement”.
Learn more about How the Spaces We Live and Work in Affect our Bodies.
Find out how Ambience Living Spaces is applied in the Home and In the Workplace at the links below.